Oh, so not everyone owns Bavarian garb and casually coordinates it with their food?? Haii, I will dress up if the opportunity presents itself..which, clearly it did. (This looks dirndl-esque to me, anyway…thrift store find a while back!)
Came across this recipe for German apple pancakes and decided I must treat myself to a more scrumptious breakfast once in a while, than Trader Joe’s whole grain cereal. My version always varies from the original recipe a bit– I used whole wheat flour, olive oil with apple sauce instead of butter, eggbeaters instead of regular eggs, and almond milk. Top with cookie butter from Trader Joe’s!! It’s SoOoOoOoohhmygoodnessGood.
*Some pics of my Germany trip are filtered in..
Some pics of my amaaazinggg visit to beautiful Germany too many years ago..
Is it Oktoberfest timez yet??
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