Here are a few highlights from recent style shoots with D.C. photographers. So many great photogs in the area! Hope this list comes in handy for those looking for high quality shots. It’s amazing how each photographer has their own unique approach and eye for capturing the subject.
Recents (in no particular order):
- Frontline Media Empire (@frontlinemediaempire)
- Chris Cruz (@_chriscruz):
- Josue Abraham (@jousselpm)
- Nicolas Castro (@NicoRefused)
- Marcus & Dilano (@marcusdilano)
- Felipe Santander (@IntegrityLine)
- Pablo Raya (@praya1)
- Nish Patel (@nishpatel)
*Note that most of these have my own filters applied.
See this older post for more photographers.
Frontline Media Empire:
Chris Cruz:
[line]Josue Abraham:
[line]Nicolas Castro:
[line]Marcus & Dilano:
[line]Pablo Raya:
[line]Nish Patel:
Felipe Santander:
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