I was already swooning over Weleda face oil, so trying out this Weleda all natural cleansing milk was a must. Andd, I love it (of course). It leaves my skin smooth, silky and clean, without drying it out.
I must note though, that after a workout, when your skin is feeling extra oily, this may not cut it. I still like to use this product when my face is in that zone, but I also use a stronger oil-cutting exfoliator first, just to really get that grit-free clean feeling. For the most part, though, this gentle cleansing milk keeps my skin very happy and healthy and is perfect for the colder, dryer months.
A bit on the face oil mentioned above– I never thought I could put oil on my combination skin without completely breaking out, but this nourishing oil has never irritated my face and simply leaves it feeling dewy and glowing.
Find these products on Natural Healthy Concepts (NHC), a vitamin and supplement website with a blog that features articles by a certified nutritionist on the most important topics in the natural health industry, like essential oils, turmeric root and celery seed..

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