Novasculpting CoolSculpting Update

Mar 27, 2023 | In & Around the District, Lifestyle

Novasculpting coolsculpting arlington va

I’ve now completed my Novasculpting CoolSculpting sessions, and have graduated to CoolTone (can’t wait to sculpt and define my abs)!

Novasculpting helped kick start my journey to a summer bod. After two sessions of CoolSculpting (1 in Nov, 1 in Dec), I saw a de-bulking in the fat tissue around the abdomen. Each session kills 20-25% of the stubborn subcutaneous fat cells, but it takes about 90 days after a session to see the final results, as it takes time for the dead fat cells to exit the body. These sessions were the jumpstart I needed to get back on track with eating healthy and working out, with that extra motivation knowing that I was already on my way to a smoother stomach.

It’s important to note, however, that CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment, and it’s meant for subcutaneous fat rather than visceral body fat.

Read about my first CoolSculpting session in this blog post, and here’s a recap of what my second session was like:

The second session was pretty similar to the first, except that the 10 minute numbing period of “icy burn” seemed more painful and felt a lot longer. BUT, then the 2 minute “massage” was not as painful the second time around. Overall, the sessions go by very quickly, and if you can power through those first 10 minutes, you’ll be fine.  It helped that a  fleece blanket kept me cozy the whole time, and that I was able to work with my computer on my lap.

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